
Series: Doctrina/Educación/Pensamiento/Habitaciones

La consolidación de los valores y estilos de vida occidentales ejercen desde hace más de una centuria casi a manera de dogma una apuesta por prácticas que contribuyen a consolidar la idea de internacionalidad. Una práctica fundamental en este sentido es la fotografía doméstica.

El album familiar fue por décadas un dispositivo de memoria que encarnaba todo un símbolo social. En estos albumes, en donde se quería registrar los afectos, sin duda, quedaba expresado también el estatus quo de quienes los producían.

In this sense, from an anthropological and archival perspective, these images display other contents that are often more interesting than even the events of the affective world they were intended to record.

Photography as a doctrine became an everyday practice called upon not only to produce a record of images but also to unfold a whole way of life—a whole promise of modernity.

The series Doctrine is an investigation that covers this problem from various perspectives, among which the series Rooms is the one I have chosen to develop.

In Rooms, the focus is on painting. It is perhaps within the series of the project that the element of fiction appears more attenuated, in the sense that even after the intervention, there are still possible images.

It is about the instrumentation given by the middle and upper middle classes to painting as the place that art meant for a society exposed to the effervescence of modernity. In most of these homes, which were open to the reception of technological advances and the latest comforts, the choice of art in the home was almost always an anachronism.

En estas imágenes, aquellos anacronismos han sido substituidos por versiones históricas de pinturas de estética moderna que al ocupar el lugar de las escenas costumbristas y folklóricas, producen una actualización en retrospectiva. Un juego con el pasado que solo hace posible la intervención de imágenes originales de aquella época en la que esta práctica de la fotografía familiar constituía toda una doctrina.



In a conversation with Helwing Villamizar, it was discussed that they are starting a section on the webpage called “Future Shows,” wherein we will add variations of the “Doctrine” shows. The future shows will include Helwing’s ideas and concepts of the staging of “Doctrine” and the identity within that doctrine, as well as multiculturalism and its role in the spread of any doctrine.

These shows will be future iterations of Helwing’s staging ideas (see PDF below), which could be in different locations such as a gallery, public space, or domesticated space, depending on the staging of the doctrine, be it art, religion, or politics. It was emphasized that the focus of these works is on how these ideologies are put forth in the real world through the implementation of doctrine.

Partes de satélite, iteración 1:


Partes de satélite, iteración 2:


Partes de satélite, iteración 3:


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